Single Player Release 01/24/24

Single Player Now Available!

They're not the smartest slime, but they'll give you a run for your money. Don't turn your back on them, or they'll getcha.

Here's how the algorithm works:

  1. Play all move cards to get an idea of how far they can travel.
  2. Iterate over all reachable spaces available, keeping in mind that some tiles cost more points than others.
  3. Calculate the number of points attainable in each space. 
  4. Weight the results based on whether it's a safe space to wait. 
  5. Weight the results if it's an empty tile.
  6. Weight the results if the player will be struck when playing action cards.
  7. Move to the space with the highest score. 
  8. Play available cards, filtering out rare cards until high point totals are available.

It's not the most complex setup, but it gets the job done. Hoping to get some feedback on how well it works. Let me know what you think!


The Natural Habitat of the Slimes Play in browser
Jan 25, 2024
The Natural Habitat of Slimes.exe 76 MB
Jan 25, 2024
Game Design Document – The Natural Habitat of the Slimes 1.8 MB
Jan 25, 2024

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